Disaster Preparedness / Emergency

There are real benefits to being prepared.

Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters. Communities, families, and individuals should know what to do. Preparing for an emergency now, provides you your best chance of survival, in the event of an actual emergency. Emergency preparedness should always be considered in the home and workplace for any unexpected event. Emergency, crisis and disaster preparation could greatly increase the operational readiness and resilience of our Tarzana community residents and businesses to respond to, and recover from, a major incident that could significantly disrupt our community by providing a plan of action to accomplish the following goals: Safety of human life and Protection of property

Following is a Quick list of Emergency numbers/contacts, links for Emergency Preparedness Kits, and other regional resources. 

NOTIFY L.A. https://emergency.lacity.org/notifyla Sign up and create an account to receive notifications about local emergencies
PERSONAL PROTECTION ISSUES (323) 526-5541  https://lasd.org/  In an emergency dial 911, L.A. COUNTY SHERIFF - File a crime report online. Closest Station 27050 Agoura Road, Agoura 91301
ROAD CLOSURES (213) 897-0383 https://dot.ca.gov/ Caltrans Manages the transportation system
BUILDING INSPECTION (800) 675-4357 https://dpw.lacounty.gov/ Dept. Building & Safety/Public Works Disaster Resources
MENTAL HEALTH FOR DISASTER VICTIMS (800) 854-7771 https://dmh.lacounty.gov/  L.A. County of Mental Health/Supports well being of residents and communities
DISEASE CONTROL (800) 427-8700  publichealth.lacounty.gov  L.A. County Dept. of Mental Health
INJURED ANIMALS (888) 452-7381 or (562) 940-6898  animalcare.lacounty.gov L.A. County Animal Control
RESPONSE AND RECOVERY DISASTER ASSISTANCE 211 LA   www.211la.org Guide to Services and Resources
OUTAGES (800) 427-2200  www.socalgas.com/  So Cal Gas Co.
LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER & POWER (800) 342-5397 / (818) 244-8595  www.ladwp.com          7am-7pm M-F /  7 am-2pm Saturday
EXPOSURE TO TOXIC SUBSTANCES/POISON CONTROL (800) 222-1222  https://aapcc.org/  American Association of  Poison Control Center open 24-hours
EMERGENCY FINANCIAL AID (800) 621-3362 FEMA.www.fema.gov/  individual disaster assistance
DISASTER LOAN/GRANT INFORMATION (800) 659-2955  www.SBA.gov Small Business Association
EARTHQUAKE INFORMATION www.quake.usgs.gov/recent U.S. Geological Survey,/Monitors, reports and researches earthquakes
ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTERS www.EPA.GOV/emergency-response  EPA/Health and environmental issues

  The following Emergency Kits are also a great resource:

Other regional resources:


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