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ContainerMillion Trees LA ComputersNPG Gym EquipmentBenches (3/11)Million Trees LA (3/11)Public Works Projects (3/11) DuplicatorBanners (3/11)PALS Computer (3/11)NPG Physical Ed ProgramPrepaid & Not Yet CompleteXOutdoor LightingMecca Park Sign (4/12)Carnival Games (3/12)Music Program (3/12)NPG Physical Ed Program(2/12) +Total monies authorized as of June 30, 2011Public Works Projects Banners�(X) Funding for the following projects was advanced prior to the start of the project. Work has started on some of the projects but a full accounting of the monies advanced has not been made.�R�* k+��+$w,� -F�-�A.~�.�/�R0�cc��B����� ���  m[A�Tsgc|r�  d����MbP?_*+��%���TQ&CTarzana NC Community Projects/NPG Funding Since Inception As of Sept 30, 2012 &L&D,&T,&F&R&P, &N��&�?'�?(�?)�?M� Samsung ML-1740 Series� �� odXXLetterPRIV��o� � �x6����Harvey GoldbergUntitledd������dX2222222222�"=X�?�?�&�U} �} m ?} I ?} I ?} I ?} I ?} I ?} I ?} I ?} I } m } � ?m�@��>��>������ � � � � ����������@���������� C"�CCCCCCCCC � >�BEP�@ET�@EX�@F\�@F`�@Fd�@Fh�@Fl�@Fp�@>t�@ �  M �  G!�  >� M@�EEEFFFFFM �  DG D� A�  ?? � �?��A?�2A?���@ ?L�@( � �  -���� ? ?L�@( � �  -�����  �?��@?~@ ?X�@( �  ? ?X�@( � �  ~ ?J�@ ?J�@( �  ? ?J�@( � � ~ ?Q ?�(\�"��@( �  ? ?�(\�"��@( � � %~ ?F�@ ?F�@( �  ? ?F�@( � � +~ ?�@ ?�@( � ~ ? ?�@( � � P5~ ?e�$A# ?�G����@ 3 � % ��~ ?# ?�G����@ � % � �� B~ ?��@# ?��@ � % � �~ ?# ?��@  � % � �� H I ףp=��@( � �  -������c I������@( �  I���(\��@( �  I�(\��>�@( �  I( �  I�@( �  I( �  I�G����@(#� # I��@ ` � % � �# I " � % � �# IX�@  � % � �# I � % � �# IX�@ ` � % � �� ?? � A�  ?? � �?Y�A?_�@ ?\����U�@( � �  -���� ?# ?\����U�@  � % � ��  �?p�@?I(A ?R��kf�@( �  ?# ?R��kf�@  � % � ��  �?A?��@ ?\���(h�@( �  ?# ?\���(h�@  � % � �� ,~ ?YA ?)\��� �@( � ~  ?# ?)\��� �@  � % � �� O0?���(\E�@ ?���(\E�@( �  ?# ?���(\E�@  � % � �� H#IH�z.��@ < � %��yI)\���P�@(��  -������yI��(\OL�@(�I= ףp}F@(�I(�I���Q��@(�I( �#I � %��y# I  � % � �y# I � % � �y Ip= ���@(` �  I(� Ip= ���@(`��  ?? � A�  ?? � ~ ?���@# ?33333+t@ � %�� ?# ?33333+t@  � % � �� ~ ?p�@# ?p�@  � %�� ?# ?p�@ � % � �� ~ ?��@# ?��@  � %�� ?# ?��@  � % � �� O4~ ?uNA# ?\����n�@  � %�� ?# ?\����n�@  � % � �� H#I33333+t@  � %�� I(�� -������ I(�I��@(�Ip�@(�I(�I\����n�@(�#I � %�� # I + � % � � # I  � % � � # Ip= �;�@ \ � %��# I  � % � �# Ip= �;�@ `� % � ��  ?? � A�  ?? � ~ ?�EA# ? ףp�_�@  � %�� ? ? ףp�_�@( � �#  -����� ~ ?p�@# ?p�@  � %��~  ? ?p�@(#� �Dnl*�4�ldddhxx��ttpp�tttt�� �!�"�#�$�%�&�'�(�)�*�+�,�-�.�/�0�1�2�3�4�5�6�7�8�9�:�;�<�=�>�?�� 8�0 ???????��@# ?��@ � % ��~ ? ?��@(M� � !?~ !?��@#! ?��@M� %!!��~ ! ?! ?��@ � � "F~ " ?@�@#" ?@�@L � %""� �s~ " ?" 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